Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Where Have I Been???

Deadlines, appointments, guilt, stress....overwhelmed.  I find my life is going so fast that I have a hard time keeping up.  I'm exhausted but know I need to keep going.  Wait, do I?  Could I slow down and maybe just stop for one day?  I read other blogs of people who are working less and living more.  Come on, really?  Is it possible?  Don' t get me wrong.  I control my fate.  I have the ability to go another direction.  But lately, I'm consumed with working, my business, my family but I feel bad that I am ignoring friends.  I spend as much time as I can with friends but admit, I am doing a poor job.  After a full day of running, I like to just come home and well, catch my breath. My home is my sanction, my escape pad.  I worry that I'm turning into a hermit.  I ask my husband what he thinks and he just says 'oh...we are just like everyone else'. So are we all hermits? Are you?  To all my friends, I say...I am here.  I hope to reach out to you more than just a "like" on Facebook or a retweet on Twitter. But if not, I am sorry.  I think of you often and enjoy the small moments when we do visit, if for a brief moment. Does this happen as we get older?  Consumed by the speed of life?  Where have I been?  Here.  Always near. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally understand. You love what you do. Not a lot of us can say that. You've accomplished so much and I'm proud of you. So don't feel guilty if others feel neglected. I know you're there and not too far away. - Amanda Davis
