Sunday, January 13, 2013

First Down, Five Yards To Go!!!!

I'm watching the Texans lose to the Patriots.  Well, actually, the game is so bad, I thought I'd re-connect with my blog. And because a smart friend of mine, (Augie) inspired me to reconnect with my blogging earlier in the month.
 Happy New Year, everyone!!  2013!!  Son #1 is suppose to graduate with his PhD this year, son #2 just wrapped up his first year on HS varsity football and in a few weeks, will start his new job with the SA Talons. (arena football)  But enough about the kids. 
Here's what I discovered.   I learned last year, my husband and I are NOT prepared for retirement.  We aren't in a bad spot, just not in a good spot.  I mean...I'm in my 30's right?  Wait, I feel like I'm in my 30's but I passed that mark..uh.. awhile back.  How many of us feel or think we're in our 30's and live and spend like a 32 year old?  No disrespect to all you 30 year old kids out there but I hope you get my drift.  I like to go out to eat, buy clothes, go on vacations, spend, spend, spend.  Buy everyone's lunch, dinner, drinks.  There is no harm in what we do.  The harm comes when we do not set aside money along the way.  We do..a little.  But we need to do more.
  If we continue at this rate...we will not make it all the way down the field.  Right now, we have the first down and if we don't think and act smart...we will not be in a good place.  (sort of like how the Texans are right now in the 2013 playoffs against the Patriots).  So ask yourself this.  Where are YOU in your future plans?  Savings a little, planning a little,  talking to a financial expert?  Spend but spend wise.  It's like that saying,  you know,  work smarter not harder.  So let's do it.   For my family, we need to move down the field in a solid forward movement.  Don't get nervous about money.  Just set out a plan and go!!   Whether you're married or single, take the lead and make a call to a financial planner.  If you wish to do some homework before you speak to the planner, hunt down advice on the internet.   Ask lots of questions, write them down and make sure you understand the various financial plans.  A good planner will take the time to provide the right information to leave you financially fit. That is my wish for all of be in a good financial spot as we take our journey through life.    
 So let's go.  Ball is in our hands   Five yards at a time.  You may be surprised how well you will do at the end of day.   If we take  one action a day regarding our financial security, I bet you and I will be totally a good way.  So let's do it.
 1,2,3 GO. the way..son #2 said, 'you still have that blog?'.  Yes...I do!!


  1. Wait, I'm not in my 30s any longer?!?

  2. I'm lucky that my mom is a financial planner! The second I found a job that offered a retirement plan, she told me (despite what the HR department might say) taking part was NOT optional. Since then, I have always participated in a plan, investing more than the minimum. I'm trying to be better at saving cash. While I would love to win the lottery and have my financial future safe and secure, I know the odds are against me. It's up to me to make retirement a reality and not a dream. I try to tell the young people I work with how important it is to save for the future. No one can afford not to!
